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07 Mar 2023
This year community legal centres in NSW supported more than 51,000 people and provided more than 209,000 services.
07 Mar 2023

Community Legal Centres NSW is proud to announce the launch of Talking justice, a values-based communications guide for community legal centres that provides guidance on.

02 Mar 2023

Community Legal Centres NSW's First Nations Cadetship Program, aimed at addressing the under-representation of Aboriginal people in the state’s legal sector, is being extended after a successful first year.

22 Feb 2023

Skills development, training and collaboration are important. That's why we organise Quarterlies – a chance for everyone who works at community legal centres in New South Wales to catch-up, learn, share experiences, and coordinate advocacy.

30 Nov 2022

The Federal Government has announced it will remove ‘gag’ clauses that restricted community legal centres’ ability to participate in law reform and advocacy, campaign for systemic change, and challenge unjust laws. 

29 Nov 2022
The Australian Centre for Disability Law has established a free legal service for people with disability who are victim-survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence.
21 Nov 2022

In early 2022, Lismore was hit with the worst flood in the region’s history. The Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre were on the frontline of the climate disaster.

10 Nov 2022

Community Legal Centres NSW offers our full-hearted support to the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT and AbSec in calling for the NSW Government to end the over-representation of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care.

08 Nov 2022

This November, for the first time in over a year, our Quarterly events will be in-person.

01 Nov 2022

We welcome the release of the National Plan, particularly its recognition that social security and housing are essential when it comes to preventing violence.

19 Oct 2022

A statement of concern from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), Community Legal Centres NSW, Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC), Amnesty International Australia, Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT), First People's Disability Network Australia (FPDNA) and Change the Record.

07 Sep 2022

The submissions outline key concerns with the coercive control legislation, and advocate for greater consultation and a phased approach, for systemic racism in the criminal legal system to be addressed, and for greater attention to be paid to the experiences of LGBTQI+ people, First Nations women, and people with disability.

06 Sep 2022

Kamilaroi man Brian-John Attard from Seniors Rights Service has been awarded First Nations Lawyer of the Year at the 2022 Ngalaya Ball.

09 Aug 2022

The community legal sector’s holistic vision for justice to ensure that our communities are fairer and more-inclusive places, where everyone is housed, safe, and has the support they need to thrive and participate.

02 Aug 2022

On August 11 2022, Community Legal Centres NSW will launch Change takes community: Action for a fairer future at NSW Parliament House.

01 Aug 2022

Skills development, training and collaboration are important. That's why we organise Quarterlies – a chance for everyone who works at community legal centres in New South Wales to catch-up, learn, share experiences, and coordinate advocacy.

08 Jul 2022

Join our call to help victim-survivors of sexual violence, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, child abuse and modern slavery to access support they are entitled to and need.

04 Jul 2022

Community legal centres are here for you if you've been affected by floods in NSW. We can help with issues such as insurance, tenancy, lost documents, and more.

30 May 2022

Join us to hear from Gomeroi/Gamilaraay people who are fighting against extraction and to protect Country for future generations.

02 May 2022

Our inaugural First Nations cadetship program has kicked off to great success. Meet the people participating in the program. 

12 Apr 2022

Skills development, training and collaboration are important. That's why we organise Quarterlies – a chance for everyone who works at community legal centres in New South Wales to catch-up, learn, share experiences, and coordinate advocacy.