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28 Apr 2020

 Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC) has started working with a seconded paralegal from Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF).

28 Apr 2020

 Add your signature to help convince the victims' support commissioner to undertake proper consultation on the NSW Victims Support Scheme.

21 Apr 2020

COVID-19 is not only a public health emergency, but a social and economic emergency.

15 Apr 2020

Simon Crase at Hume Riverina Community Legal Service writes on Hume Riverina Community Legal Service's efforts to maintain staff cohesiveness and morale through being thrust into a new WFH world of self-isolation.

09 Apr 2020

Community legal centres across NSW are working hard to help individuals and communities navigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and government responses.

27 Mar 2020

To ensure the potential social harms caused by COVID-19 are minimised to the greatest extent possible, Community Legal Centres NSW has worked with expert specialist community legal centres within our membership to develop a set of critical social policy interventions.

25 Mar 2020

It sounds preposterous – given the ongoing climate crisis and recent bushfire emergency besieging communities across the state – but the NSW Government is actually proposing to restrict consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and prevent decision-makers from putting conditions on fossil fuel approvals relating to their downstream emissions. This article looks at two current threats to the way greenhouse gas emissions and climate change are currently considered in fossil fuel development assessments in NSW.

13 Mar 2020

Submission to the Inquiry into Support for Children of Imprisoned Parents in New South Wales

04 Mar 2020

Climate change impacts most severely the very people and communities that community legal centres make it our core business to represent: people who experience social and economic discrimination and disadvantage. Community Legal Centres NSW sees responding to climate change as a critical step in the pursuit of justice for all. We need to be a voice in the national conversation about climate change, and the need for an urgent, adequate and just response.

20 Feb 2020

After six official insurance catastrophes in five months, decisive action by Australian governments to implement long-term policy reforms in home insurance is long overdue. With serious weather events predicted to be more frequent and more intense as climate change progresses, the need for these reforms is now more urgent than ever.

19 Feb 2020

 Information for community legal centres about the CLC Roadshow to Parliament, 27 February 2020.

11 Feb 2020

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia's Family Law System

04 Feb 2020

Alastair Lawrie, Senior Policy Officer at PIAC, writes on the public forum held by PIAC and Gilbert + Tobin to discuss the Religious Discrimination Bill.

29 Jan 2020

25-26 February 2020 | The Community Legal Centres NSW Quarterlies are two-day community legal centre sector network and training opportunities held in Sydney four times a year.

28 Jan 2020

 27 February 2020 | A Legal Training Day for our members, with individual and panel presentations on immigration law, strategic litigation, disability discrimination, mental health law, and legal ethics

23 Jan 2020

See how Financial Rights Legal Centre has been helping people in affected communities with their disaster insurance claims.

21 Jan 2020

 Justine O'Reilly, Principal Solicitor of Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, writes about her experience of visiting bushfire-ravaged communities on the South Coast in January 2020.

15 Jan 2020

Community legal centres across NSW are at the forefront of local responses to the state’s bushfire emergency. Specialist and generalist centres are working together, alongside Legal Aid NSW and other legal assistance services, to coordinate legal help for people in the worst affected areas, from Eden and Moruya to the south, Bathurst and Lithgow to the west and Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour to the north. 

11 Dec 2019

 Despite a plethora of inquiries into family law over the past ten years, insufficient action has been taken to protect the safety of children, young people and adult survivors of family violence. With nearly 70% of cases in family courts involving allegations of family violence, the need for urgent action is greater than ever. In this article, Liz Snell from Women’s Legal Service NSW (who is also a member of Women’s Legal Services Australia’s Co-ordinating Committee) reflects on recent inquiries into the family law system and the Government’s proposed family court merger.

11 Dec 2019

Article provided by Emily Phipps, Arts Law Centre