What are community legal centres?


Community legal centres give free legal help and other support to people in need. There are 41 community legal centres across New South Wales.

Community legal centres support tens of thousands of people experiencing financial hardship, social disadvantage, housing issues, domestic or family violence, discrimination, and other legal and social issues every year.

Community legal centres provide a safety net to prevent people's legal problems from escalating. Without early legal advice, families can break down and health problems can escalate; people can be unnecessarily evicted and can lose their jobs.

We also advocate for law reform and social justice, so that our society and laws are just, fair and inclusive.

Community Legal Centres NSW is the peak body representing 41 community legal centres in New South Wales. Our team supports, represents and advocates for our members, and the legal assistance sector more broadly, with the aim of increasing access to justice for people in NSW.

Need free legal help?

Community legal centres help thousands of people every single day with a whole range of issues – housing, fines, family matters, domestic and family violence, and more.

Call Law Access on 1300 888 529 or use our online directory to find out who to speak to.