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04 Mar 2019

Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre has released a resource guide to help survivors of family violence resolve the negative impact of economic abuse and financial hardship.

20 Feb 2019

Following extensive advocacy by Women’s Legal Service NSW, the Tenants’ Union of NSW, many community legal centres and many other community organisations, changes to NSW renting laws that provide greater protections for domestic violence victims-survivors will commence on 28 February 2019.

14 Feb 2019

Improving access to justice for victim-survivors of sexual assault and eradicating discriminatory structural power imbalances that allow offenders to commit sexual assault with no repercussions are at the heart of twelve important recommendations made by Community Legal Centres NSW to the current NSW Law Reform Commission inquiry into consent in relation to sexual offences.

13 Feb 2019

Policy Focus | In Australia and overseas, alternative legal responses to sexual and domestic violence are increasingly being explored to better meet the needs of victims/survivors. One such alternative is restorative justice, which Thea Deakin-Greenwood and Jane Bolitho argue offers an opportunity to refocus an otherwise adversarial (and sometimes inaccessible) process on the needs and rights of victims.

01 Feb 2019

The NSW child protection system requires reform

01 Feb 2019

 Residents of NSW believe in a fair go for everyone. Human rights are universal and apply without distinction.

31 Jan 2019

Submission to the preliminary consultation on the terms of reference for the Special Commission of inquiry into the drug ‘ice’.

18 Jan 2019

Program for the February 2019 Community Legal Centres NSW Quarterly.

11 Jan 2019

Every Tuesday civil lawyer Matt Taylor packs his lunch and heads back to school, where he spends the day with young people talking about legal issues or questions they may have.

13 Dec 2018

Community Legal Centres NSW recently contacted key members of parliament about our strong opposition to harsh new rules that make an 85% cut in the disability support pension suspension period for prisoners.

11 Dec 2018

The current policy and law reform priorities for Community Legal Centres NSW.

30 Nov 2018

 A submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Family Law System Review.

23 Nov 2018

Media release - 23 November 2018 | Controversial adoption reforms pushed through NSW Parliament in the final sitting day before the 2019 state election are likely to have concerning effects on vulnerable children and communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

21 Nov 2018

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affair’s inquiry into the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Bill 2018 (the Bill)

20 Nov 2018

 A summary of our joint submission to the Inquiry on Legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff

16 Nov 2018

We delivered an open letter to NSW Parliament calling on NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to reconsider proposed adoption laws currently before parliament. 64 organisations and over 1,100 people have signed the letter and you were among the signatories. (It's now at 1600, see below).

07 Nov 2018

 An overview of the problems with the proposed Children & Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2018.

06 Nov 2018

An open letter to the Premier of NSW about the proposed Children & Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 2018, which will have a negative impact on children and communities across NSW.

26 Oct 2018

 Public comment by CLCNSW Executive Director Tim Leach regarding rushed Care and Protection legislation in NSW.

22 Aug 2018

On Saturday 11 August, our Advocacy and Communications Manager, Mark Riboldi, spoke on a panel at the 2018 UTS Law Students Society ‘From Thoughts to Actions’ Social Justice Conference.