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04 Mar 2021

Despite strong and widespread opposition from victim-survivors and their advocates at the time, the Commissioner Victims Rights implemented substantial changes which have negatively impacted on victim-survivors’ ability to access the support they need through the scheme.

10 Feb 2021

The health and safety of our communities depend on a future where holistic, caring and healing approaches to drug use are the norm.

10 Feb 2021

 Fair Treatment is a public advocacy campaign led by Uniting NSW-ACT for the better resourcing of evidence-based harm reduction strategies, and the decriminalisation (removal of court processing and criminal penalties including jail terms) of personal use of small quantities of currently illicit drugs. In this article, Stafford Sanders proposes that we need to rethink our approach to drug policy and learn from worldwide best practice, such as the Portugal model of decriminalisation.

10 Feb 2021

In the last 12 years, there has been an almost twentyfold increase in strip searches in New South Wales. This harmful proactive policing practice is disproportionately targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and young people, particularly in lower socio-economic areas and regional towns.

10 Feb 2021

In this article, Rhys Evans looks back to the harm-reduction practices developed during the HIV epidemic which continue to save many lives, and how these programs might inform a pathway for evidence-based drug policy.

09 Feb 2021

People with lived experience of drug use in NSW are paving the way in developing and implementing effective harm reduction measures..

09 Feb 2021

Living in remote, regional and rural areas can often mean being geographically isolated from vital drug support services. In this article, Patrick O'Callaghan shares how things are changing in Dubbo, and where's next for localised drug support and reform.

09 Feb 2021

Rather than continuing to punish drug use through criminalisation, which can exacerbate the ongoing impacts of trauma on peoples’ lives, restorative justice approaches can respond to harm and trauma through care.

04 Feb 2021

We oordinate training days to assist staff of our member centres to access professional development.

04 Feb 2021

At the start of 2021, we find ourselves in the middle of another harmful public debate about the rights of trans and gender diverse children simply to be themselves. The NSW One Nation Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020, which is currently open for public comment, would deny children in our community the right to be seen, to be protected, and to be treated with integrity by schools and teachers.

01 Feb 2021

The Community Legal Centres NSW Quarterlies are three-day community legal centre sector network and training opportunities held in Sydney four times a year. The February 2021 Quarterly will be held via Zoom conferencing.

22 Dec 2020

Submission to NSW parliamentary inquiry into child protection and social services systems

07 Dec 2020

In the closing plenary session at our November quarterlies, we heard about the challenges and possibilities of community legal centre mergers.

02 Dec 2020

Early on in the COVID-19 health crisis, as the first cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Australia and its seriousness became clearer, we knew the pandemic would have an impact on everyone across our communities, but renting households would be particularly vulnerable.

01 Dec 2020

The gambling industry in New South Wales, particularly the poker machine sector, is extremely influential.

26 Nov 2020

What needs to change in the justice system to improve safety for victims of gendered violence?

26 Nov 2020

Women are already bearing the brunt of the pandemic’s negative impacts and will continue to do so long into the future.

26 Nov 2020

 We're hiring: Locum Capacity Building Coordinator (part-time)

04 Nov 2020

This training is for managers, including senior leaders in Community Legal Centres. It will also be useful for individuals preparing to step into management roles.

04 Nov 2020

23-25 November 2020 | The Community Legal Centres NSW Quarterlies are three-day community legal centre sector network and training opportunities held in Sydney four times a year. The November 2020 Quarterly will be held via Zoom conferencing.

07 Oct 2020

The traditional criminal legal system is failing survivors of sexual violence.