Media releases


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20 Dec 2012

CLCNSW welcomes the statement today by the NSW Attorney General Greg Smith SC that funding for legal services should be directed to those who cannot afford legal advice and for matters which are in the public interest.

26 Sep 2012

Eighty leading legal, human rights, health, community and women’s organisations have called on the NSW Attorney-General to retain and strengthen the NSW compensation scheme for victims of violent crime.

28 Jul 2011

Community lawyers are significantly underpaid compared to their counterparts in the government and private sector, according to a joint submission lodged in the Fair Work Australia Community Sector Equal Pay Case. The submission, by the Victorian Federation of Community Legal Centres and Community Legal Centres NSW, calls for significant increases in community legal centre (CLC) pay rates.

21 Nov 2008

A coalition of lawyers, academics and community organisations has today called upon the Attorney-General to publicly release the report of the Clarke Inquiry into the case of Dr Mohamed Haneef.