Media releases


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05 Nov 2014

Community Legal Centres NSW (CLCNSW) last week provided additional information to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women about the recent changes to the NSW victim’s compensation scheme.

25 Nov 2013

Community Legal Centres are concerned that the child protection system will be sped up to make it easier to remove children irrespective of what’s in the child’s best interests.

11 Nov 2013

Legal, health, women’s, youth and community organisations have written to Minister Goward about proposed changes to child protection laws in NSW.

30 May 2013

Community Legal Centres NSW (CLCNSW) is extremely disappointed that the NSW Parliament has passed legislation abolishing the Victims Compensation Scheme, only to replace it with a scheme that fails victims of some of the most serious crimes, including sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence.