Upcoming Quarterly dates


Save the date for Community Legal Centres NSW's upcoming Quarterlies, which include network meetings, training, panels, and opportunities for professional development.

Upcoming network meetings

We will share the network meeting dates for 2025 shortly. Stay tuned!

Register for open networks here to attend meetings. Please note: If you have already registered for a particular network, you do not need to register again. All existing network members will be sent invitations to their relevant meetings each quarter.

Find descriptions of all networks that meet at each Quarterly here.

Upcoming training

Our training program for 2024 has now finished. Stay tuned for info on training in 2025!

We also share all training via our fortnightly newsletter Off the Record, which community legal centre workers can sign up for here.


For further information about our Quarterly program or event logistics (including registration), please contact CLCNSW office administration at clcnsw@clcnsw.org.au. Thank you!