Message from the Board:
Welcome to the 2003 Annual Report. This has been another busy and productive year for the sector and the State Office. As a sector we have incorporated changes in the Commonwealth reporting process, and have faced our responsibilities under the new Occupational, Health and Safety Laws which place a greater onus on management committees to adequately support their staff and provide a safe working environment. We have continued to foster a learning and training environment as a sector with another full year of the Training and Capacity Building Programme, and have also conducted consultations with Management Committees to identify training and support to assist their governance role. We held a successful state conference, developed campaigns for the state election held in March and have participated in local and national projects and strategic advocacy on a number of important issues over the past year. We have produced new publications, re-launched the website and revived On the Record magazine. In brief, it has been a full and exciting year.
As a Board we would like to acknowledge the excellent work done by the staff of the State Of ce and thank each of them for their contribution over the past year. Their skills and efforts are a great asset to the sector and assist in co-ordinating our collective efforts as Community Legal Centres, and focus our attention in critical areas.
Thank you also to all the Convenors of the Committees and Sub-Committees, whose efforts provide momentum for the sector, and help us achieve our social justice and human rights goals.
Board of CCLCG, NSW