Keely is a Social Work student at UNSW who is taking her cadetship placement with the Ability Rights Centre Care and Protection team at Intellectual Disability Rights Service.
Keely answered some questions about her experience:
1. What do you hope to get out of your cadetship?
"I hope to gain more information on how community legal centres work and how they work with clients, [as well as] legislation and how a court process works. I hope to gain connections that will assist in my social work career."
2. What is your particular interest in law?
"I’m extremely interested in children’s court and the Walama Indigenous List."
3. How are you enjoying the Cadetship Program so far?
"So far, my experience with the cadetship program has been a positive one... I have learned so much about how organisations provide assistance to clients with legal issues, I have learnt so much about how community legal centres operate. This cadetship program has offered so much flexibility and support which has made this experience so much easier and more enjoyable."
4. What have you enjoyed the most?
"I have enjoyed being present at court visits and working with the restoration worker with the Ability Rights Centre. I have been enjoying observing how to provide help with clients that have disabilities and that are parents working with the Department of Communities and Justice."
5. What would you love to be doing in five years?
"Hopefully working in community, providing services that can benefit Indigenous youth to succeed in life."