These resources are for general information purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. If you need to speak to a lawyer, find free legal help »
Birth alerts, child removals and your unborn child
How to keep your new baby safe with you if there is a notification to the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) about your unborn child.
Dealing with FaCS
This resource is designed to help women and families deal with the government services in charge of keeping children safe.
Family law
The family law system, and how to keep kids happy, safe and connected with their family.
Factsheets and information for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who rent, or live in public housing:
Protect Country and culture
Legal resources related to protecting Country and Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Are you an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist? Check out the resources from the team at Artists in the Black:
Info sheets
- Copyright
- Resale royalty right for visual artists
- Artwork Made Using Animal and Plant Material – Australia
- Moral Rights
- Copyright in Music and Lyrics(AITB)
- More…
Template contracts
- Will for Indigenous Visual Artists
- Indigenous Artwork reproduction for a publication (digital)
- Indigenous Artwork Reproduction License (fabric)
- Collaboration Toolkit
- More….
Has you, or someone in your family, experienced domestic, sexual or family violence or abuse?